科研管理 ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (11): 94-103.DOI: 10.19571/j.cnki.1000-2995.2023.11.010

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  1. 上海应用技术大学经济与管理学院,上海201418
  • 收稿日期:2022-03-14 修回日期:2023-06-20 出版日期:2023-11-20 发布日期:2023-11-14
  • 通讯作者: 李煜华
  • 基金资助:

A study of the integration mechanism with multiple interactions in the service ecosystem

Li Yuhua, Zhang Jingyi#br#   

  1. School of Economics and Management, Shanghai Institute of Technology,Shanghai 201418, China
  • Received:2022-03-14 Revised:2023-06-20 Online:2023-11-20 Published:2023-11-14

摘要:     随着数字服务化变革兴起,服务生态系统多主体在有效互动、共创价值的过程中面临着价值共毁引发的系统破裂风险。为了深入揭示服务生态系统的多元交互机制和价值共创规律,本文采用纵向双案例研究方法,以小米和美的为研究对象,根据分阶段逐层编码结果构建案例研究框架;基于行动者网络理论分析不同转化阶段的证据链因素,归纳形成MI-SE-VCC整合机制,进一步剖析各转化阶段的联系与区别。研究发现:服务生态系统中多元交互实现价值共创的典型转化阶段主要有价值减少、价值修复和增强的价值共创。多主体通过识别服务生态系统所处的不同交互情形采取阶段性策略,从而实现价值共毁向价值共创的转化。本文完善了服务生态系统中多元交互的理论框架,也为多主体实现价值共创、规避价值共毁提供了实践指导。

关键词: 价值共创, 价值共毁, 多元交互, 服务生态系统, 双案例研究

Abstract:     Service ecosystem is a new type of service network system that takes into account various economic and social situations and pays attention to the dynamic interactions of various social and economic subjects in the process of resource and service integration. Along with the synergistic interactions of value elements in the whole service ecosystem, all stakeholders involved in it automatically form a network of value creation space, which makes value co-creation become the goal of value realization pursued by all parties. But in fact, with the rise of digital servicization transformation, multi-stakeholders in service ecosystem face the risk of system rupture caused by value co-destruction in the process of value co-creation through effective interactions. It is urgent for cross-border stakeholders to resolve the failure of cooperation mode through various measures before forming the situation of value co-destruction and effectively maintain the health and stability of service ecosystem. It is of great significance to explore the multiple interactions integration mechanism in service ecosystem to realize value co-creation and avoid value co-destruction.In order to deeply reveal the multiple interactions integration mechanism and the operating rule of value co-creation in the service ecosystem, this paper firstly divided the roles and contexts of multiple interactions based on actor-network theory. Secondly, the case data of Xiaomi and Midea was collected by stages using the longitudinal double case study method, and the data was coded and analyzed in a hierarchical manner to build a framework of case analysis, and took state transformation and evidence chain integration as the main research axis. The evidence chains of different transformation stages were constructed and the factors of evidence chain were analyzed from the perspective of human and non-human factors. Finally, the MI-SE-VCC integration mechanism was obtained by integrating all evidence chains. This paper expounded the relationship framework of MI-SE-VCC integration mechanism from two aspects of value connection and difference effect, and defined the difference and connection of each stage in the transformation process from value co-destruction to value co-creation, so as to put forward the phased strategy of multiple interactions in service ecosystem. The results showed that the typical transformation stages of value co-creation realized by multiple interactions in service ecosystem include value diminution, value restoration and enhanced value co-creation.This paper specifically answered the question of “how to realize value co-creation and effectively avoid value co-destruction in the multiple interactions mechanism of the service ecosystem”, and found that the realization of value co-creation through multiple interactions in the service ecosystem is the result of the multiple effects of these three aspects: try to avoid value diminution, take value repair to remedy and constantly strengthen value co-creation. The evolutionary logic of service ecosystem and value co-creation was revealed both theoretically and practically. This study has contributed to the improvement of theoretical frameworks such as service ecosystem, value co-creation and value co-destruction. In addition, this paper has also played a guiding role in the implementation of multiple interactions in reality, the maintenance of digital servicization transformation enterprises and the development of service ecosystem.Based on the results of the case study, this paper has provided some coping strategies in different situations for multiple interaction in service ecosystem. First of all, in order to avoid the risk of value co-destruction, the service ecosystem needs to reduce the risk by avoiding the value diminution factor. Secondly, service ecosystem needs to make full use of the remedial function of value restoration in order to recover the value loss. Thirdly, service ecosystem needs to strengthen value co-creation mechanism to achieve stable development. Service ecosystem maintains its healthy development by enhancing value co-creation and avoiding value co-destruction.

Key words: value co-creation, value co-destruction, multiple interaction, service ecosystem, double case study