科研管理 ›› 2024, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (10): 183-192.DOI: 10.19571/j.cnki.1000-2995.2024.10.018

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  1. 1.南开大学经济学院,天津300071;
    2.南京财经大学粮食和物资学院,江苏 南京210023;
    3.南京财经大学现代粮食流通与安全协同创新中心,江苏 南京210023

  • 收稿日期:2023-06-06 修回日期:2024-05-08 出版日期:2024-10-20 发布日期:2024-10-11
  • 通讯作者: 李玉莹
  • 基金资助:

Research on the entrepreneurial behaviors of veterans: Motivations and effects

Zhao Jiawei1, Li Yuying2,3   

  1. 1. School of Economics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China; 
    2. Institute of Food and Strategic Reserves, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China;
    3. Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Grain Circulation and Safety, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210023, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2023-06-06 Revised:2024-05-08 Online:2024-10-20 Published:2024-10-11

摘要:    促进退役军人积极投身创业创新实践,是实现其自身价值和激发社会经济发展活力的有效途径。本文基于烙印理论,以中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)2016年、2018年和2020年的数据为样本,采用Probit模型实证探究了从军经历对个人创业选择的影响及退役军人创业行为动因。研究表明:(1)从军经历显著增加了退役军人创业的概率,且从军经历对创业收入具有显著正向影响;(2)外部动因表明,不论是主动创业还是被动创业,从军经历均会促进退役军人进行创业,但主动性的增加能够进一步提高退役军人创业的可能性;(3)内在动因表明,胜任能力对退役军人的创业选择不产生显著影响,而较高的生活满意度会抑制退役军人选择创业;(4)家庭动因表明,相较于来自家庭的经济支持,家庭的情感支持更能增加退役军人创业的概率。本研究拓宽了从军经历的研究范畴,丰富了退役军人创业动因的相关研究,为社会和家庭支持退役军人创业提供了实践启示。

关键词: 从军经历, 创业行为, 生活满意度, 代际支持, 情感支持

Abstract:    Helping veterans to actively participate in the practice of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" is an effective way to realize their own value and stimulate the vitality of social and economic development. Based on the imprinting theory, this paper used the Probit model to explore the influence of military experience on individual entrepreneurial choice and the motivation of veterans′ entrepreneurial behavior by taking the data of China Family Panel Studies (CFPS). The results showed that: (1) military experience significantly increases the probability of entrepreneurship of veterans, and military experience has a significant positive impact on entrepreneurial income; (2) external motivation indicates that military experience can promote exservicemen to start businesses regardless of whether they are active or passive entrepreneurs, but the increase of initiative can further improve the possibility of entrepreneurship of veterans; (3) intrinsic motivation shows that competence does not significantly affect the entrepreneurial choices of veterans, while the higher life satisfaction will inhibit the choice of entrepreneurship of veterans; and (4) Family motivation indicates that, compared with financial support from family, family emotional support is more likely to increase the probability of veterans starting their own businesses. This study has broadened the research scope of military experience, enriched the relevant research on the motivation of entrepreneurship of veterans, and provided practical enlightenment for the society and family to support entrepreneurship of veterans.

Key words: military experience, entrepreneurial behavior, life satisfaction, intergenerational support, emotional support